Men Questions & Answers Pictures Hadiths Holy Quran Introduction Importance of Namaz Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) Signs of Weak Imaan 99 Names of Allah Graveyard Guide Women Guest Book Girlfriend - Boyfriend Marriage (Nikah)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Importance of Beard

When I came close to Islam. I started growing beard too. Some of my friends came to me and they were like why are you growing your beard, its not necessary in Islam,  this and that, therefore I made a brief study on the importance of beard in Islam for all of my friends those who say such things about me keeping the beard would also get the real picture as in what Islam say about beard. So all of you who think that beard doesn't look good on us or anything like that. I would like to tell them that beard isn't kept to look good, we keep it cause its necessary in Islam and we should live our life according to the teachings of Islam and even if we are not able to atleast we can try our level best to do so.

This pamphlet is to emphasize the importance and the length of the beard. Many Muslims have queried regarding this point. I have also found that people prefer keeping a beard in imitation of what's in vogue rather than that prescribed by Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). A compilation of this nature has become important because the impact of the western way of life seems to be luring unwary Muslims into such a craze that the importance of the beard itself is being doubted and scoffed at.
To those who feel the issue is trivial to worry about, may ALLAH guide him. But to those who genuinely wish to learn and practice what is right, here are sufficient proofs from the Qur'an, Ahadeeth, and learned scholars.
Importance of the Beard in the words of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam):

(1) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said "I have no connection with one who shaves, shouts and tears his clothing eg. in grief or affication."
- Reported by Abu Darda (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 501

(2) The teachings of Hadhrat Ammar Bin Yaasir, Abdullah Ibn Umar, Sayyidina Umar, Abu Hurairah and Jaabir (R.A.), indicate that ALL used to keep beards that were one fist length or more. Hadhrat Jaabir (R.A.) had said: "We used to grow long beards and only during Hajj and Umrah did we trim them to the required length (i.e. fist length)."

(3) Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) relates that: "He who imitates the kuffar (non-believers) and dies in that state, he will be raised up with them on the Day of Qiyamat (Judgement)."

(4) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) says: "Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow)."
- Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 498

(5) "Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) ordered us to trim the moustache closely and spare the beard" says Ibn Umar.
- Muslim, Hadith no. 449

(6) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)said: "Act against contrary to the polythesists, trim closely the moustache and grow the beard."
- Reported by Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 500

(7) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said "Trim closely the moustache and grow the beard."
- Reported by Abu Hurairah (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 501

(8) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "Anyone who shaves has no claim to the mercy of Allah"
- Reported by Ibn Abbas (R.A.) in Tibrabi

(9) Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) used to cut that portion (which exceeds the grip of the hand) of the beard.
- Tirmidhi

Its obvious that keeping beard in Islam is of great importance. And I think by all this I have made myself very clear to you that BEARD is MUST in Islam. Hopefully now you people would also grow your beards as Allah likes it.


Those who achieve insufficient satisfaction from sexual intercourse and
return to masturbation, or never give it up, the torments are great.
Everywhere they look, their friends are unashamedly enjoying the pleasures
of normal sexual relationship. No part of society caters for them and they
are even cowardly shy to campaign for "Masturbators Liberation." Sex life
for most of them is fairly empty.

One of the most humiliating problems that the constant male masturbator
suffers from when he attempts to have sexual relationship is premature
ejaculation or the failure to maintain an erection. When he is masturbating,
he tends to reach his orgasm as quickly as possible, but in sexual
intercourse he normally has to attempt to control his excitement, which can
impose a great strain on a person who indulged in self-abuse over a lengthy

Therefore people who continuously masturbate, lose out all round. The
physical pleasure becomes reduced to a natural act like urination, or
excreting, and at the back of their minds there is an awareness that they
are missing on the real pleasures of life. No adult can honestly claim to
masturbate without a guilty feeling of complete uselessness. Masturbation is
merely an exhaustive, rather than constructive undertaking, resulting in
nothing but total loss. Once orgasm has been achieved there is Nothing else
left, except for a feeling of complete emptiness.

The following extracts from the writings of a dignified physician of the
Unani medicine will give one some idea of the damage done through
masturbation: "Most often, students, bachelors or widowers and hypocritical
godly persons are its victims. It is such an evil practice that has ruined
many families and many more are being ruined today. The lack of manly vigor
and decline in the standard of young men's health is evidence enough for
this horrible social evil, eating into the vitals of an otherwise healthy
nation. If only our young men could foresee the consequences of this evil at
their own hands bring on them! It can be said with some certainty that
eighty percent of our young men are the victims of masturbation. This
accursed practice affects equally the heart, the brain, the liver, the
stomach, the kidneys along with the reproductive organs. This practice makes
the muscles and the nerves of the reproductive organ sagging and lifeless.
Accumulation of fluids in the veins makes it unfit for its normal function.
There is extreme feebleness in the power of erection. The heat of the
friction between the delicate muscles of the organ and the tough hide of the
hand damages the former beyond repair." (Miftahi, Modesty and Chastity in

Following the excitement which accompanies masturbation, comes the feeling
of shame, anger, humiliation, and the sense of futility. This sense of
guilty and humiliation deepens as the years go on, into a suppressed rage,
because of the impossibility to escape. The one thing that it seems
impossible to escape from, once the habit is formed, is masturbation. It
goes on and on, on into old age, in spite of marriage. And it always carries
this secret feeling of futility and humiliation. And this is, perhaps, the
deepest and most dangerous cancer of our civilization. Instead of being a
comparatively harmless vice, masturbation is certainly the most dangerous
sexual vice that a society can be afflicted with, in the long run.

Islam strictly forbids the waste of seminal fluid through masturbation. The
one who discharges his seminal fluid with his hand is damned. This evil
practice removes the normal bright look of a man's face, and he looks
melancholy and dejected. He loses his health and quite frequently his
vitality and sexual stamina through this disgusting practice.

The Qur'aan declares: "The Believers are those who abstain from sex except
with those joined to them in marriage bond, or those whom their righht hand
possess for (in their case) they are free from blame, but those who crave
something beyond that are transgressors."

Beyond the wife and slave woman all ways and means of sexual satisfaction
are unlawful. They include adultery, sodomy, masturbation, etc. From this it
can be deduced that masturbation falls under the context 'but those who
crave ...' and is therefore immoral and a sin in Islam. Views expressed by
the Shafi'i jurists on this matter are clearly illustrated by Imam Nawawi
whose opinion is typical of the Shafi'i Jurists as a whole. He declared that
masturbation was absolutely forbidden. It was only permitted when it was
performed by the hand of a man's wife or concubine, for he has a right to
the enjoyment of her hand as he has to the rest of her body."

The author of Subul al Salam according to al-Juzairi, states: "Some of the
Hanbali and Hanafi Jurists are of the opinion that masturbation may be
permissible in the event that one fears (that is, not engaging in it) would
lead to his committing adultery, fornication. But be cautious that such a
view is weak and is not to be relied upon."

According to Maliki school of thought masturbation is deduced to be illegal
from the following hadith narrated by 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (Radhiallaahu
Anhu): "We were with the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) while we were
young and had no wealth whatsoever. The Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi
Wasallam) said: "O assembly of youths ; whoever among you possesses the
physical and financial resources to marry, should do so, because it helps
him guard his modesty, and whoever is unable to marry, should fast, as
fasting diminishes his sexual power.'

Therefore, the jurists of this school are of the opinion that if
masturbation was permitted, the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) would
have acknowledged its permissibility because this is much simpler than
fasting. Since the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) did not mention it,
demonstrates that it is prohibited.

From the evidence presented so far, it can be seen that Shari'ah not only
classifies this type of unnatural waste of seminal fluid as illegal, but
also advocated strict measures for its prevention.

Masturbation and steps for overcoming it

Masturbation is defined as the manual stimulation of the male or female genitals, not by sexual intercourse, designed to produce an orgasm. Masturbation is totally forbidden in Shari’ah.

One of the most humiliating problems that the constant male masturbator suffers from when he attempts to have sexual relations is premature ejaculation or the failure to maintain an erection. When a person is masturbating, he tends to reach his orgasm as quickly as possible but in sexual intercourse, he normally has to attempt to control his excitement which can impose a great strain on those who indulge in self abuse over a lengthy period.

Those who achieve insufficient satisfaction from sexual intercourse and return to masturbation or never give it up suffer a great torment. Sex life is empty for them, which leads to many more problems, marital disputes, divorce, etc.

Therefore, people who continuously masturbate lose out all round. The physical pleasure becomes reduced to a natural act like urinating or excreting and at the back of their minds there is an awareness that they are missing out on the real pleasures of life. No adult can honestly claim to masturbate without a guilty feeling of complete uselessness. Masturbation is merely an exhaustive rather than constructive undertaking resulting in nothing but total loss. Once orgasm has been achieved, there is nothing left except a feeling of complete emptiness.

Steps in overcoming masturbation
Be assured that you can be cured of your difficulty. Many have been, both male and female. And you can also be cured if you determine that it must be so. If you want to give it up, you need will power and determination. Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] said, ‘The Niyyat of a believer is better than the act.’

This determination is the first step. That is where we begin. Firstly, you must decide that you will end this practice and when you make that decision, the problem will be greatly reduced at once. But it must be more than a hope or a wish more than knowing that it is good for you. You must realize that this is a great evil and you have to want to give it up.

It must be actually a decision. If you truly make up your mind that you will be cured, then you will have the strength to resist any tendencies which you may have and any temptations which may come to you. Ask Allah to help you and give you strength and steadfastness to succeed.

After you have made this decision then observe the following specific guidelines.

1. First step is to realize that you are violating Allah’s command and you are bringing upon yourself a life long destruction and harm.

2. Never touch the intimate parts of your body unnecessarily.

3. Avoid being alone as much as possible. Find good company and stay in this good company. Remember, an idle mind is the devil’s (Shaytaan) workshop.

4. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, you must break off their friendship. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don’t suppose that both of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind.

The problem must be taken out of your mind for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things. It is mentioned in a Hadith that a person is upon the way of his friend. (Bukhari, Tirmizi)

5. When you bath, do so as quick as possible.

6. When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital parts so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove those clothes. By the time you started to remove protective clothing, you would have sufficiently controlled your thinking and the temptation would leave you.
If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, engage in something useful. The purpose behind this suggestion is that you focus your mind on something else. You are the subject of your thoughts, so to speak.

7. Never look at pornographic material.

8. The attitude of the individual has an effect on how easy it is to overcome. It is essential that a firm commitment be made to control this habit. The person must first realize the evil of this act. Secondly he must understand the reason for this behavior.

After these 2 steps, the individual needs to become sensitive to the situations and conditions which may cause a person to commit this vile act. Hence a person must guard himself from anything, which may trigger a desire for this act. By following these steps, a person gains the ability to gain victory from this act, hence the power to control this filthy practice is developed. Remember you need also a bit of will-power.

1. MAKE Duaa daily; seek help from Allah, this will strengthen you against temptation.

2. Follow a program of vigorous daily exercises. The exercise reduces emotional tension and depression and is absolutely basic to the solution to this problem. Double your physical activity when you feel stress increasing.

3. When the temptation to masturbate is strong, turn your thoughts away from the selfish need to indulge.

4. Set goals of abstinence. Begin with a day, then a week, a month, a year and finally commit to never doing it again. Till you don’t commit yourself, to never indulging yourself in this vile act, you’ll always be open to temptation.

6. Begin to work daily on a self-improvement program. Strive to enhance your strengths and talents.

7. Be aware of situations that depress you or that cause you to feel lonely, bored, frustrated or discouraged, these emotional states can trigger the desire to masturbate as a way of escape. Plan in advance to counter these low periods through various activities, such as reading a Kitab, visiting a friend, doing something athletic, etc.

8. Start frequenting the Musjid. Make it a daily practice to recite part of the Quraan. Find out about authentic books which you can read from your local Aalim.

9. Make a pocket calendar for a month on a small card. Carry it with you. Color the day on which you masturbate black. The calendar becomes a strong visual reminder of self-control and should be looked at when you are tempted to add another black day. Keep your calendar up until you have at least three clear months.

10. A careful study will indicate you have had the problem at certain times and under certain conditions. Try and recall in detail what your particular times and conditions were. Now that you understand how it happens, plan to break the pattern through counter activities.

11. In the field of psychotherapy, there is a very effective technique called aversion therapy .When we associate or think of something very distasteful with something which has been pleasurable, but undesirable, the distasteful thought and feeling will begin to cancel out that which was pleasurable. If you associate something very distasteful with your loss of self control, it will help you to stop the act. For example, if you are tempted to masturbate, think of having to bathe in a tub of worms, and eat several of them as you do the act.

17. Do not let yourself return to any past habit or attitude patterns which were part of your problem. Shaytaan never gives up. Keep a positive mental attitude and always stay on guard. You can win this fight! The joy and strength you will feel when you do, will give your whole life a radiant and spiritual glow of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Rules Concerning Hair

1. It is sunnah to grow one's hair on the entire head till the ear lobes or
slightly below them. If a person wishes to shave his head, it is sunnah to
shave the entire head. It is also permissible to merely clip the hair.
However, it is not permissible to clip all the hair and leave the front
portion long, as is the fashion today. Similarly, it is also not permissible
to shave a portion and leave another portion long. From this we deduce that
it is not permissible to sport the babri hairstyle (or to cut the hair in
the shape of a cap or to shape the front part of the hair).

2. If the hair has been lengthened considerably, it is not permissible to
tie it into a tail like women.

3. It is harâm for women to shave the head or clip the hair on the head. The
Hadith has cursed such women.

4. It is sunnah to clip the moustache to such an extent that it is clipped
to the skin. There is a difference of opinion with regard to shaving the
moustache. According to some it is a bid'ah, while others have permitted it.
Caution demands that one does not shave it.

5. It is permissible to lengthen the moustache on the sides on the condition
that the area above the lips is not lengthened.

6. It is harâm to shave or clip the beard. However, it is permissible to
clip it if it is longer than the length of one fist. Similarly, it is
permissible to clip it on all the sides in such a way that it becomes neat
and straight (provided it is beyond one fist).

7. It is permissible to clip the hair and straighten the hair line that
grows on the cheeks. Similarly, it is also permissible to straighten and cut
the eyebrows a wee bit.

8. The hair on the throat should not be shaven. However, it has been related
from Abû Yûsuf rahmatullâhi 'alayh that there is no harm in this.

9. Shaving the hair of the lower lip is regarded as a bid'ah by the jurists.
Therefore this should not be done. Similarly, they have said that it is
makruh to remove the hair that is on the nape of the neck.

10. It is not permissible to pluck out grey hairs merely for the purposes of
beautification. However, it is better for the mujâhidîn to do so in order to
instil fear and awe in the hearts of the enemy.

11. The hair of the nose should not be tweezed out. Instead, it can be

12. It is permissible to remove the hair that is on the chest and back.
However, it is not good to do so.

13. It is preferable for men to remove the hair of the pubic region from
just below the navel onwards. When shaving, they should commence from below
the navel. It is also permissible to use sulphurate of arsenic and other
preparations (such as hair-removing creams, etc.) to remove the hair of the
pubic region. As for women, the sunnah method is that they should remove the
hair of the pubic region by pinching it out or tweezing it out and that they
should not use a shaving machine.

14. It is preferable to remove the hair of the arm pits by tweezing them.
However, it is permissible to shave them.

15. As for the hair of the balance of the body, it is permissible to shave
it or retain it.

16. It is also sunnah to clip the nails of the feet. However, it is mustahab
for the person who is engaged in jihad not to clip his moustache and nails.

17. It is preferable to clip the finger nails in the following order:
commence with the index finger of the right hand until you reach the little
finger. Thereafter, commence with the little finger of the left hand until
you reach the thumb of the left hand. Thereafter, complete by clipping the
thumb of the right hand. As for the toe nails, commence with the little toe
of the right foot and end with the little toe of the left foot. This is the
preferable method. However, it is permissible to clip in any way that may be
contrary to this method.

18. Clipped nails and hair should be buried. If they are not buried, they
should at least be kept in a safe place. However, they should not be kept in
any impure, dirty place as there is the fear of falling ill.

19. It is not good to bite the finger nails as this is a cause of leprosy.

20. It is makruh to trim the hair, clip the nails and remove pubic hair
while one is in a state of impurity.

21. It is preferable to remove the pubic hair, hair of the arm-pits, nails,
to have a bath and cleanse oneself at least once a weak. It is best to do
all this on a Friday before going for the jumu'ah salât. If one cannot do
this on a weekly basis, he should carry it out every fortnight. If not, at
least every forty days. There is no concession beyond forty days. If forty
days expire and the person does not carry out the above, he will be
committing a sin.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

1. To remove the unwanted hair, pubic as well as armpit is the Sunnah of the
Prophets (Mishkaat). Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) advised to
remove the unwanted hair at least once a week preferably on Friday. (Ibid)It
is Makrooh (reprehensible) to leave the unwanted hair for more than fort

2. Ref. Below

3. It is permissible to remove the hair from the chest and legs.

The area immediately under the navel is not to be shaven.
The area of shaving for a person (male / female) is above and around the
private parts. If possible, it is commendable to shave around the hind
private parts as well.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Oral Sex

Man has been created as a bearer of high and noble attributes. In him he
mirros the attributes of divinity (Sifaat-e-Ilaahiyya) such as life,
knowledge, power, will, sight, hearing, speech, love, etc. In the
authoritative Tafseer of the aforementioned Aayat, it is said that Insaan
(man) has been adorned with the Noor of Aql (the light of intelligence).
This celestial faculty of intelligence creates in Insaan the capacity for
the manifestation of the lofty and divine attributes of Allah Taãla. By
virtue of the Noor of Aql man becomes incandescent by being a mirror for
these lofty attributes and manifestation (Tajalliyaat-e-Zilliyah and
Sifaat-e-Zaatiyyah). As a direct consequence of this lofty pedestal which
Insaan occupies in the Divine Scheme, the mantle of Khilaafah (vicegerency)
has been conferred on him. Stating this fact, the Qurãn declares: 'Verily I
shall be creating on earth a Khaleefah.'
In the Tafseer of the Aayat mentioned at the beginning, it is also said that
in relation to all the species of life, man has been endowned with the most
beautiful form. All other animals have been created in a lowly form with
their heads downwards. Their faces constantly pointing downwards to the
earth indicate their low rank in relation to man. In contrast, man has been
created upright and he eats his food by means of raising it with his hands
unlike the lowly beasts with faces downwards.

In the Tafseer of the Aayat, it is said that when man willingly destroys his
natural ability to progress to the pedestals of elevation, he degenerates
and falls from his lofty mansion. He then falls to levels lower than the
level of dogs, pigs and even Shayaateen.

According to the authentic Tafaseer, prior to the creation of Aadam (Álayhis
salaam), the Malaaikah (angels) entertained the opinion that Allah Taãla
will not create any being superior to them. Allah Taãla negates this opinion
of the Malaaikah by creating Aadam (Álayhis salaam) and making him a
manifestation of divine attributes. To illustrate Insaan's superiority over
all pecies of creation, Allah Taãla commanded the Malaaikah to make Sajdah
(prostration) to him (Nabi Aadam (Álayhis salaam). The superiority of man is
well emphasised by the statement of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi
Wasallam): 'Allah created Aadam in His (Allah's) form.' Insha Allah, this
Hadith will be explained in greater detail in some future issue of 'the
Majlis'. Here it is sufficient to mention the interpretation of the
authorities intelligence, sight, hearing, etc. These lofty attributes are
located in that part of the human body called head. It is for this reason
that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) forbade striking or slapping
the face of any human being or even an animal. In the Tafseer of the Qurãnic
Aayat which permits husbands to beat wives in cases of necessity, it is
said: 'The face shall not be slapped'. Explaining the reason for the
prohibition of slapping the face, Imaam Nawawi (RA) says in his Sharhul
Muslim, 'Because the face is the embodiment of man's beauty in addition to
it being of sublime nature.'

In man there are six metaphysical or non-material or spiritual faculties
known as the Lataa-if-e-sittah. Two of these lofty faculties, viz. Lateefah
Khaafi and Lateefah Akhfa are located in the head. The Lateefah Akhfah is
located in the centre of the brain while the location of Lateefah Khafi is
between the eyebrows. The functions of these faculties are the highest
states of reflection and contemplation, progressing from the high state of
Fana to Fanul Fana. These are spiritual or Roohani stages which shall not be
discussed in this article.

In the Ahaadith, the following narration appears.
'Verily, your mouths are pathways of the Qurãn, therefore purify your mouths
with Miswaak'.

The Makhaarij or places from whence Qurãnic huroof (letters) emanate are
located in the mouth. The high Ibaadat of Tilaawat of the Qurãn shareef is
effected via the mouth, hence the Hadith describes the mouth as the 'pathway
of the Qurãn'. Since it is, literally speaking, the channel for the
recitation of the Qurãn shareef, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam)
emphasised much the maintainance of its purity. The emphasis on the purity
of the mouth could be gauged from the many times Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
Álayhi Wasallam) would use the Miswaak everyday to clean his mouth. The
practice of Miswaak is strongly stressed by the Shariáh. In one Hadith,
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, 'When the servant of Allah
uses the Miswaak and then performs Salaat, an angel stands behind him,
listening attentively to the recitation of the Qurãn. The angels draws
closer and closer to the reciter and places his mouth on the mouth of the
reciter. Thus every word emanating from the mouth of the Musalli enters the
angel's mouth. Therefore, maintain your mouth pure and clean for the Qurãn.

The actual purpose underlying the creation of man is Zikrullah or the
remembrance of Allah Taãla. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) ordered
Muslims to maintain their tongues fresh with the Zikr of Allah Taãla.
The facts mentioned above will indicate that Insaan is Ashraful Makhlukaat
(the noblest of creation) and the noblest part of his body is his head which
is the location for lofty faculties and attributes which earn for him the
designation of 'the form of Allah'. In order that he maintains his lofty
rank and progresses continuously towards loftier mansions and closer Divine
Proximity, it is essential that man exercises restraint over his physical
and animal qualities. If he fails in this respect, he will descend to a
level below the lowly beasts. Allah Taãla has endowed man with intelligence,
will-power and shame. He must employ these attributes to subdue his animal
and carnal desires and refrain from indulgence in the excesses of lust. If
he fails in this achievement he will annihilate himself spiritually and
degenerate to sub-animal levels.
The sublimity of Islam is of such a lofty degree that it exhorts its
adherence to adopt dignity, deportment and propriety in even sexual
relationship. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) advised his Ummah to
abstain from total nudity when indulging in sex and not to behave 'like
asses'. Since Islam is a culture of transcendental values calculated to
ensure maximum remembrance of Allah Taãla, a Muslim should not debase
himself to a sub-animal level by resorting to the vile practice of oral sex.
The mouth of Insaan is the pathway of the Qurãn, his tongue has been
commanded to remain fresh with Zikrullah; his mouth is situated in the
noblest part of his body; the functions of his mouth are noble and lofty;
his mouth is a passageway for transference of the recited Qurãn into the
mouth of the listening angel. He cannot, therefore, debase and dishonour
himself so disgracefully by resorting to the revolting practice of oral sex.
A Muslim should not dishonour that head and face which the Shariáh of Islam
commands to be honoured. Allah Taãla honoured the human head with noble
qualities, the highest being the Noor of Aql, but man debases that lofty
part of his body by indulging in an act of bestiality not even committed by
the lowly beasts. It does not behove man in general, and a Muslim in
particular to degrade himself in this manner.
The Mu'min's link with Allah Taãla is so strong or ought to be so strong
that the Shariáh has prescribed a particular Duá to be recited even when a
man approaches his wife for sexual relations. Even at the moment of reaching
climax and ejaculation, the Muslim is required to read in his mind (without
moving the lips) a special Duá so that he remains protected from any
Shaitaani interference. We learn from the Hadith of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
Álayhi Wasallam) that Shaytaan attempts to interfere with man even while he
indulges in lawful sex, hence the wording of the special Duá for this
occasion is: 'O Allah! Protect us from Shaytaan and protect the offspring
you grant us from Shaytaan'.
Allah Taãla has honoured man highly, hence the Qurãn says, 'Verily, we have
honoured the sons of Aadam.' He is therefore not allowed to debase himself
with the bestial acts which even the lowly beasts do not commit.
The mouth is an honoured part of the physical body. It is not a receptacle
of impurity. The Shariáh emphasises the maintainance of its purity. Even in
the developing foetus, Allah Taãla has arranged for the maintainance of the
purity of the mouth. The umbilical cord connects the developing embryo to
its mother. It is the passageway in which exchange of nutrient and waste
materials with the circulatory system of the mother takes place. In man the
umbilical cord arises at the navel below which is the location of the
rebellious Nafs which reduces man to sub-animal levels if not restrained.
Why does Allah Taãla not create the foetus with the umbilical cord attached
to its mouth so that its nutrition reaches it in the normal way, viz. Via
the mouth? Right until the very last moments prior to its emergence into the
external world, the baby's nutrition is via the umblical cord. Immediately
on reaching the outside world its nourishment reaches it from the mouth.
Since the umbilical cord is also the passageway for impure waste matter, its
connection is near to the location of the lowly nafs. The mouth has thus
been guarded against impurities.
The facts presented in this article should be sufficient to convey to
Muslims that their Imaan and the spirit of the teachings of Islam do not
permit them to grovel in the dregs of debasement and perpetrate moral
injustice by utilising the mouth for deriving sexual pleasure. This is not
the function of the mouth. It is a misappropriation of an amaanat (trust).
All parts of the body are Amaanat which have to be utilised in accordance
with the instructions of Allah Taãla. Such contamination and moral pollution
as entailed by oral sex are most unbecoming the dignity and rank of man,
especially if the Insaan appears to be a follower of the illustrious Shariáh
of Muhammad (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam). Allah Taãla states in the Noble
Qurãn, 'Verily, Allah loves those who purify themselves.'

And Allah Taãla Knows Best.

Pornography and Gays 

Pornography is Haram (strictly prohibited). To be gay or associated to it is also Haraam. We commend you for your courage to discuss your shortcoming with the intention of reforming yourself. To be guilty of one’s shortcomings and making an endervour to reform oneself is the stepping stone for self reformation and success. One should never defend one’s shortcomings and never lose courage. That fact that we have Allah who is Merciful and so Forgiving, we have no to reason to be discouraged. Allah Ta’ala states, ‘O` my slaves who have oppressed themselves, do not be despondent of the mercy of Allah’.

1. The first step to reformation is intention. You understand that pornography is evil. You know to be gay is Haraam. You have to make a firm, strong and solid intention to abstain from it. That depends on the level of your sincerity. The more sincere you are, the more solid your intention to abstain will be. You cannot expect to abstain if you have no intention or weak intention.

2. A human being is attracted to what he sees. He also uses things that are in his surroundings. It is difficult for a person wanting to quit smoking to be in the company of smokers. Similarly, keep away from computers or, at least, going onto the different sites. The more further you are away from it for some time, that will assist you to get out of the bad habit.

3. You are in your youth. Guard yourself against the Shaytaan. Don’t you know that many males become gays due to their wrong association and inclinations. All that began somewhere. Today, they are so deep in it that they feel that is their natural self. Do you want to be a victim of that and be a gay. Do you want to incur the wrath of Allah on you? If not, what would you do when you witness fire approaching you?

4. In order for you to resent the evil habit, I suggest you obtain some literature about the fire of hell and its severe punishments.

5. Obviously, as a Muslim, you should be punctual in the Musjid for the five Salaats and recite Qur’aan daily. Also obtain a copy of the Tafseer of Mufti Shafee, Ma’ariful Qur’aan, in English and educate yourself everyday.

6. Most important, never keep yourself idle and free as that is the Shaytaan’s workshop.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best


The aim of natural sexuality is procreation. Lawful and natural sexual
relations between man and woman has been designed by Allah to preserve the
human race here on earth. Homosexuality is negatory of the natural role and
aim of sexual activity.

The experts on homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviation advance a
series of groundless assumptions in their discussion on the causes of such
unnatural sexuality. They attribute it to hereditary taints, genetic causes,
environmental influences, animal instincts in man, etc. In certain cases,
e.g. 'transiet homosexuality' where men are separated from women such as
prisons, same sex institutions, etc. they argue that the criminal's blame
will be considered as diminished in view of his circumstances.

Islam does not accept any type of justification for the unnatural sin of
homosexuality regardless of any biological, psychological or environmental
factors which may influence a man to indulge in this type of grossly
unnatural immorality. This should not be interpreted to mean that Islam does
not recognize the reality or validity of the existence of the various
factors which influence man to commit homosexuality. However, the presence
of any destructive influences which lead man towards this unnatural and
bestial act of immorality does not constitute a valid excuse for indulgence
in acts of deviation and inhumanity. Just as fornication, rape and other
criminal acts of immorality cannot be condoned because of biological,
psychological, environmental, factors, etc, which may be the causes which
occasion the crime, so too, can these factors not be cited in favour of
diminished blame for the act of homosexuality. In spite of the existence of
the factors (described as causes) of adultery, human culture does not permit
man and woman to indulge in this crime notwithstanding the naturalness of
heterosexuality. They are required to restrain themselves and behave within
the bounds of chastity and morality.

In like manner man is required to exercise restraint and overcome his
emotional, biological demands, etc. and manage the disturbances within him.
He, as a member of the highest species of Allah's creation, is under moral
obligation to control the dictates of his lust - whether such lust directs
him towards unnatural or natural avenues - and refrain from smearing his
soul and intellect in such loathsome indulgence.

Modern studies and the many consequent theories regarding the crime of
homosexuality lend to convey a blurred conception of the Biological
disturbances as well as some environmental factors are even tendered as
mitigating circumstances to reduce the stigma and the blame from the
homosexual. This idea has made homosexuals daring and revengeful of their
unnatural crimes. They have come to regard their misdirected lust as morally
acceptable. They, as well as the 'experts' who have undertaken research in
homosexuality, have deceived themselves into believing in the idea of
diminished, blame and moral acceptance, of this unnatural act. As long as
man's intelligence is not inflicted with insanity, he is held responsible
for his actions and he is Islamically under compulsion to restrain his
perverted cravings so that he does not descend into a sub-human level of

Man's gratification of his sexual appetite with another man has a long
history of its own. The Qur'an bears testimony t the fact that the people of
the prophet Lut (Alayhis salaam), the nephew of Ibriham (Alayhis salaam),
sent as a warning to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, were those who
initiated this heinous practice. Before them it was unknown. In this
connection the Qur'an mentions:

"We also sent Lut. He said to his people, 'Do you commit indecency such as
no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For you practise your
lusts on men in preference to women; you are indeed a people transgressing
beyond bounds."

These Sodomites even indulged in their homosexual orgies publicly. Their
wickedness had attained the level where the mere sight of a handsome young
man made them so agitated that they pounced upon him as famished people
would fall on food. Even honoured guests did not enjoy immunity or any
privileged position. They did not hesitate in even resorting to violence in
achieving their lustful object.

The Qur'aan has depicted the scene when the angels of punishment Lut
(Alayhis salaam) as his guests in the guise of handsome young men. Hadrat
Lut (Alayhis salaam) did not recognized them in the first instance. But he
knew the shameless habit of his people. He was extremely distressed and he
apprehended that his people would certainly demand unnatural and shameful
sexual activity. His apprehension was correct. They could not sit silently
at the news of such "boys" of excellent beauty. These sodomites recklessly
rushed to the home of Lut (Alayhis salaam) to gratify their unnatural
desires. Lut (Alayhis salaam) found himself in a difficult situation. He
prompted them to legally satisfy their sexual appetite with women even
offering his daughter in lawful marriage to the most gentle of them, and not
insisting on this unnatural outlet. Then he very effectively appealed to
them, in the name of Almighty, that they should abstain from disgracing him
by dishonouring his guests.

The Qur'an states:
"And his people came rushing towards him, and they had been long in the
habit of practising abominations. He said: "O my people! Here are my
daughters: they ore purer for you (if you marry)! Now fear Allah, and cover
me not with shame about my guests! Is there not among you a right-handed

But the accursed people inflamed with evil passions turned a deaf ear to all
his reasoning with them. They had lost all sense of morality and were blind
in their voluptuous sentiments. On this occasion they even taunted him for
his frequent protests in the past against their sins. Hadrat Lut (Alayhis
salaam) seemed helpless in the situation in which he found himself, - alone
against a rabble of people inflamed with lustful passions. He wished he had
the strength to suppress them himself or had some powerful support to lean
on! But the powerful support was there, though he had not realized it till
then. It was the support of the Almighty. His guests were not ordinary men,
but Angels who had come to test the people before they inflicted punishment.
They now declared themselves and gave him directions to get away before the
morning, when the punishment would descend on the doomed cities. Even in
Lut's (Alayhis salaam) household was one, i.e. his wife, who detracted from
the harmony of the family. She lagged behind and looked back, i.e. one whose
mental and moral attitude, in spite of association with the righteous was to
hark back to the glitter of wickedness and sin. Finally, the wrath of
Almighty descended upon them, their cities were turned upside down and
showers of stone rained on them. Regarding this the Qur'aan mentions:

"Then when Our decree came to pass. We turned the cities upside down, and We
rained thereon stones of baked clay, piled up."

The punishment of turning upside down given to this people resembles
outwardly their shameless deed of homosexuality. The shower of stone was
very thick so as to form layers. It is also said that the name of each man
was written or engraved on those stones which were the cause of their
annihilation. The inversion of cities by way of punishment was the task
which was assigned to Jibraaell (Alayhis salaam). Homosexuality is also a
form of sexual inversion, hence the type of punishment was most befitting in
that it also symbolized their unnatural acts of immorality. Showers of
stones (not hail-stones, but real stones) are not a normal occurrence. So
too, the punuhment of the inversion of the cities (was quite rightly
justified). Thus, unnatural forms of punishment were prescribed by Allah for
the unnatural sins of the homosexual community.

The community of Lut (Alayhis salaam) was a prosperous nation materially and
they inhabited five cities: Sodom, Gamurah, Udmah, Laboobem and Sughar. The
Qur'aan refers collectively to these five cities with the term Mu'tafikaat
(the inverted cities). The cities are so designated because of the perverted
crimes of sexual inversion of their inhabitants and because they were
physically inverted and eliminated by the command of Allah.

Before the people of Sodom, never did this evil even enter the mind of
mankind, let alone practicing it. The Umayyad Khalifah "Abdul Malik said
that if this episode of the homosexuals was not mentioned in the Qur'an, he
would not have conceded the reality of this crime since it was unthinkable
that man will descend to such a degenerate level and debase himself in a
type of act which is not indulged in by even the overwhelming majority of
lowly beasts.'

Nevertheless, even after the community to which prophet Lut (Alayhis salaam)
was sent as cautioner, met their catastrophic end, sodomy continued and even
sometimes flourished. It is now known that homosexuality existed before the
pre-Christian era among the so-called 'civihilised' nations of the world
especially the Greeks and Romans. It was not only confined to common masses,
but even legendary and prominent figures such as Socrates, Aristotle, Julius
Caesar and many others practiced it. (Miftahi)

In thirteenth century France, homosexuality was the great craze of the day
and the government of the country had to enact a law that those found of
guilty of this unnatural crime will be put to death. And Germany was not far
behind in the pursuit of this craze. Before Nazi Germany there was a famous
person, Dr Magnus Herschefield, (who had been the president of the society
for the Reformation of Sexual behaviour), who launched powerful propaganda
in favour of sodomy for six years. Finally 'democracy' acceded to this
demand and the strictly forbidden became approved. It was decided by
majority vote that homosexuality among the males was no longer an offence
provided it was indulged in with mutual consent of the parties involved and
in case of the object of the unnatural love being a minor, his guardian had
to give his consent. In the Orient, Iran has been notorious and Persian
poetry amply supports it. Karachi has also been named in this regard. It is
said there were three centres there, where eunuchs carried on that unnatural
business. Afghanistan (then under Communist influence) has also been
mentioned. India, too, is not so clean in her records in this field,
although the common people are involved in it to a limited extent. It is the
educated and the sophisticated people who take to it as a diversion. The
educational institutions, schools, colleges and centres of oriental studies
too are not free from this curse.

Islam strictly forbade this detestable deed and prescribed the severed
punishment, relenting not in the least in making it a deterrent. The Qur'aan
cautions that once people take to homosexuality, they sink to the depths of
moral degradation. The admonitory punishment meted out to these
transgressors was described in such a moving way that those reciting the
Qur'an may learn the harsh consequences of this evil, and may protect
themselves from this outrageous crime. To deter the Muslims from evil, the
Qur'aan initially declared to those participating in this perversion:

"If two men among you are guilty of indecency, punish them both."

Once Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) expressed his
anticipated fear by stating that among the evils that his ummah can take to,
he feared sodomy most. In fact, this was a forewarning measure that the
ummah may guard against, realizing that the prophet himself had forbidden
it. On one occasion Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) declared:

"Whoever gratifies his sexual urge with another (individual} of his own
sex,, Almighty will not so much as look at him."

Undoubtedly, sodomy is one of the most repulsive acts, even observed among
beasts. Therefore, the sight of a homosexual will be so disgusting to Allah
that it will intensify His anger to heights where He will not even consider
glancing at a sodomist. Through this act, man degrades his humanity and
announces extermination as his policy. Moreover, it implies wretchedness and
misery of the womenfolk and he himself is prone to so many diseases: the
basic organs of his body, brain, heart, liver and kidneys become deficiently
immune (AIDS), his face lacks the sparkle of health and he looks off-colour
and melancholy, with the result that such an incapacitated criminal becomes
worthless to women. This wretched outcast deprives himself of the bounty of
procreation and the priceless jewel of morality.

How do I control my gaze (e.g looking at females) when I am at university?

Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has advised the youth saying, 'O young
people. Those of you who have the ability to get married should do so for
verily in it (marriage) is the lowering of your gaze and the chastity of
your private parts. And he who does not have the ability (of marriage)
should hold on to fasting for verily in fasting there is the constrainment
of one's desires.' (Mishkaat)

In the event if one falls into a predicament then he should lower his gaze
with this in mind that the one on whom lustful gazes is intended to be
passed on will turn into dust and will be food for the worms in the grave.
In addition to this, one should not forget about the Omnipresence of Allah

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Could you please quote some authentic Hadith regarding the trousers being above the ankles for male Muslim believers, and why is it necessary?

Despite the stern warnings of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) concerning the wearing of the trouser below the ankle, some Muslim men totally disregard this Sunnah. In fact, many argue that this applies to a person who wears it below the ankle if pride settles in the heart.

Having said that, it is therefore undisputed by all that wearing the trousers below the ankle with pride is a major sin. And if worn without pride then too it is a major sin. (Alamgeri), except that should the trouser unintentionally drop below the ankle then there is no sin. This was the case of Hazrat Abu Baker (Radhiallahu Anhu) for which Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) excused him. It is indeed sad to note that some people of the Ummah disregard its importance and largely take it for granted.

The warnings admonished by Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) are explicit and direct. We cite a few hereunder:

1. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, 'That which hangs below the ankle, will be in Jahannam. (Bukhari)

2. Once Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiallahu anhu) entered the gathering of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). He says, 'My trouser was hanging a little below my ankle when Rasulullah asked, "who is this"? 'I replied, Abdullah bin Umar'. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, 'If you are Abdullah then raise your trouser above the ankle.' I immediately did likewise to the extent of half my shin. From that day onwards I formed a habit to wear my trouser above the ankle. (Musnad Ahmad)
It is reported in a hadith that three people whom Allah Ta'ala will not talk to nor look at and for them will be a terrible punishment. The narrator says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) repeated this three times. Then Hazrat Abu zar Ghaffari (Radhiallahu anhu) commented saying that these people are indeed very unfortunate but who are they? Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that person who hangs his trouser below the ankle, that person who does good deeds and lies and that person who takes a false oath to sell his goods. (Abu Dawood)

Explaining the situation Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiallahu anhu) says that the meaning of Rasulullah's (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) warnings refer to anything that hangs below the ankle i.e. when wearing the lungi or long abayya kurtas.
At this point, it will suffice to say that our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has presented a certain code of conduct (which forms part of the Sunnah) and should we claim to love Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) then follow his way - the only way for our salvation in this world and the hereafter.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Asalam o Alikum.. I want to ask you that i was involved in the work of tabligh, then when I went to college I was affected by the environment and now I have fell in love with a girl in college and she is also interested in me, I can't talk to the elders in england could you please advise in what should I do? Could you please advise me on how to safeguard my eyesight and from bad thoughts? Jazakaallah

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Allah Ta'ala has created man with innate carnal desires, and has made Nikah
a lawful and dignified avenue to discharge these desires.

Under normal circumstances, Nikah is Sunnah. If a man's sexual desires reach
a stage where there is a strong fear that he will be involved in Zina
(fornication), it will then be Waajib (compulsory) for him to make Nikah. At
this juncture, shyness is no excuse. The man will have to approach his
elders and request them to make arrangements for his Nikah.

Nikah should not be delayed or avoided for fear of poverty and want. In the
Ahaadith, we are told that Nikah creates Barakah in one's sustenance. Allah
Ta'ala has taken it upon himself to assist that person who performs Nikah in
order to protect his chastity. Nikah is a simple and inexpensive affair in
Islam. The errant customs of societies have made it difficult for others.
The solution is to abandon all such customs and conduct the Nikah strictly
according to the Sunnah. Nikah, then will not be a burden, rather it will
release one from a burden.

The next step would be to guard the gaze. It is, thus, imperative to
strictly guard the gaze. Where it is practical, avoid all such situations
where ones gaze may fall on Ghayr Mahram (women not prohibited in Nikah)
females. TV, books, magazines, internet, newspapers, should be shunned.

Should one's gaze accidentally fall on some woman, immediately lower the
gaze. This is not difficult. It only requires some courage and training.
Some points that may assist in this are:
1. Consider that this is not a calamity but rather an opportunity to win a
big prize. It is a once in a life opportunity to strike a huge windfall. In
the Hadith, we are told that a person, who, after having been tempted ,
lowers his gaze, Allah Ta'ala will grant him the sweetness of Imaan. What
more can one ask for? The one who has the sweetness of Imaan has everything.
Others strive their entire life for this very goal of finding the sweetness
of Imaan. Here is the opportunity to acquire this in a split second.
Therefore, lower the gaze and in your heart make this transaction with Allah
Ta'ala that, 'O Allah! I am lowering my gaze for you. So you grant me your
share of the deal, i.e. the sweetness of Imaan.
2. By maintaining the gaze, one is in fact moving to the depths of Jahannum
(hell). And by lowering the gaze, one is ascending the highest ranks of
3. Consider the reality of the woman at whom one is gazing. If she does not
groom herself or apply perfume for one day, she will look dreadful and
stink. For a number of days every month she has impurity pouring out of her.
If one had to just go near such impurity, one will wish to flee. Imagine if
she went to the toilet and forget to flush and, if you had to enter the
toilet, will you still have the desire to gaze at her? If this woman does
not have Deen, then by raising her arms and exposing her unsightly armpits,
she will give out the smell of a skunk. These are some thoughts (although
undignified), will assist one in taming the evil desire to look at women.
4. Try as far as possible to remain in the state of Wudhu. In the Hadith, we
are informed that Wudhu is the weapon of a Mu'min. With this weapon, it is
much easier for him to thwart the onslaughts of Shaytaan.
5. Try to remain in the company of the true friends of Allah Ta'ala. The
true friends are those that, when you sit with them they remind you of Allah
Ta'ala and their company produces a desire for the Aakhirah (hereafter). The
company of such people is extremely effacious in imbuing the obedience of
Allah Ta'ala, and in cultivating an abhorrence to sin.
6. There must surely be somebody who you have a lot of respect for, e.g.
your mother, father, grand parents, Ustaadh or Shaykh.
Consider if that person was present, would you indulge in the evil of
masturbating. The very fact that the presence of such a person will deter
you is sufficient to show that you do have the strength to abstain from this
evil. When the presence of such a person will be a cause for controlling one
's desires, consider that fact that the Malaaikah (angels) are with you and
are watching. Progress and consider that Allah Ta'ala is watching you. Do
you not feel ashamed of His presence whereas you feel ashamed of the
presence of a human being. Is this the degree of respect that Allah Ta'ala

May Allah Ta'ala save you and every Ummati from this evil, Aameen.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

I am sixteen years old and I am getting at that stage where the hair growth of my beard is getting very fast. I want to keep a beard, of a fist's length but my mother does not allow me at all. Even if I get the slightest beard, she strictly orders me to completely trim my beard and if I don't, conditions might get extremely harsh and untolerable! Then, my mother will also tell my father to order me to trim my beard. I have tried to apply wisdom and diplomacy, but of no use. My mother still notices my beard and STRICTLY orders me to trim it down. I am very worried. Please tell me what to do.

You should firmly tell your mother that you will obey the orders of Allah Ta
'ala and His Rasul (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) over her orders. Rasulullah
(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'There is no obedience of any creation
in the disobedience of Allah.' (Mishkaat)

You should make Sabr on the harsh treatment but do not compromise. Your
patience will yield sweet fruits, Insha Allah.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Ya Allah meri Tobah.. Ya Allah meri Tobah.. Ya Allah meri Tobah...

In the eyes of Allah, its never too late for Tobah. Allah is very Raheem. So don't just think that you have already done so many sins and that now its too late. Thanks to Allah, you are alive and you still have time for Tobah, and even if now you do Tobah from the bottom of your heart, Allah would inshAllah forgive you and you will be saved.

say TOBAH TOBAH TOBAH from the bottom of your heart now and save yourself.

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