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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Nikaab and Veil

Surah An-Nur, Verses 30 and 31

‘And Say to the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer palms of hands or one eye or dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bossoms) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their husband’s sons, or their brothers or their brother’s sons, or their sister’s sons, or their (Muslim women) (i.e. sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of feminine sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful’

It is apparent that upon a plain reading the purpose of the verse is to eradicate promiscuity, fornication and adultery and all the preliminary steps that lead directly to the commission of such shameful acts. The references to ‘lowering their gaze’, ‘drawing their veils over their bosoms’ and ‘striking their feet to draw attention’ indicate that all acts or omissions which, in the ordinary course leads directly to sexual promiscuity and FITNAH are forbidden.

In order to totally eradicate sexual promiscuity and FITNAH, the verse goes on to say that a woman is not permitted to display her beauty and charms except in degrees to her husband, father and the other classes of person specified in the verse. The exempt class would constitute the MAHAARIM, and any other would qualify as strangers or GHAIR MAHRAM. The principle fixed by the verse is, therefore, that a woman cannot display her beauty to any male person other than the persons exempted by the verse. It goes without saying that the face is the focal-point of a woman’s beauty, and the main source of attraction. Hence, the face of a woman cannot be displayed or shown to a stranger in normal circumstances whether in public or private according to the general principle fixed by the verse as stated above. She is permitted to display her beauty to the exempt class (the MAHAARIM) for obvious reasons of close contact, and because of the considerably lesser danger of sexual promiscuity and FITNAH within that class. (Zamakhshari)

The Shariáh, however, is practical, dynamic and takes into account the real situations of life. A woman may - in the case of genuine need - be forced to expose her face in the presence of strangers. For example, when she appears in court to give witness, etc.

It is against this background that the preceding portion of the verse ‘they should not display their beauty and charms except what must ordinarily appear unavoidable’ falls into proper perspective. The words ‘Illaa maa dhahara min’haa’ are in context an exception to the general rule, and cover those cases of genuine need and necessity when a woman is forced to expose her face in the presence of a stranger. That is how the great commentators of the Noble Qurãn have interpreted the verse.

Take the following two examples,

‘Women must not display any part of their beauty and charms to strangers except what cannot possibly be concealed.’ (Ibn Katheer)

‘Why is the woman permitted to display her external beauty and charms? Because to conceal that would cause her inconvenience. A woman is forced to deal in commodities with her own hands. She is compelled by genuine need to expose her face especially at the times of giving evidence, litigating in court and marriage. She is compelled to walk the streets and expose her feet, especially poor women. This is the meaning of ‘illaa maa dhahara min’ haa’ that is ‘except what the situations of ordinary life compel her to expose’. (Zamakhshari)

A further point is the interpretation of ‘illaa maa dhahara min’haa’ has been highlighted by the well known scholar, Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA). He states that the verb used is that of the first form ‘dhahara’ and not ‘adhhar’ which (in fourth form) signifies a deliberate exposure or display. The use of ‘maa dhahara’ indicates that the exposure of the face is confined to need. (Imdaadul Fataawa vol. 4 p. 181)

It follows from the aforegoing that upon a proper interpretation of the verse the face and hands of a woman can only be exposed to strangers in a situation of genuine need where concealment would cause her serious inconvinience. However, genuine need is not open to wide interpretations.


‘…And when you ask them for anything you want, ask them from behind a screen…’

The meaning of this verse is clear: the companions of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) were ordered to communicate with the wives of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) from behind a screen and not directly face to face. It is obvious that this instruction is not limited to the wives of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaau Álayhi Wasallam). The verse has general application and the fact that the noble wives of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) are specifically mentioned emphasises the importance of the subject matter. The distinguished jurist, Abubakar Jassas (RA) in his Ahkaamul Qurãn states:

‘This order, although revealed specifically in relation to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) is general in application because we are ordered to follow him.’ Similarly, the well known commentator of the Noble Qurãn Imaam Qurtubi (RA) in his Al-Jamia li Ahkaamul Qurãn states:

‘All women are in effect covered by the terms of the verse which embraces the Sharée principle that the whole of a woman is ‘Áwrah’ (to be concealed) – her body and voice, as mentioned previously. It is not permissible to expose those parts except in the case of need, such as the giving of evidence…’


‘O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way)…’

In his commentary to this verse, Allama Abubakar Jassas (RA) states the following:

‘This verse proves that a young woman is ordered to cover her face from strangers, and to manifest SATR and modesty in public so that doubtful people may not be desirous of her.’

It is sufficient to quote the following authentic commentators in their interpretation of the verse:

‘They (women), shall cover their faces and bodies with their outer garment when they appear in public for a valid reason.’

‘They shall cover their faces and…’

Ibn Ábbaas states that the Muslim women are ordered to cover their head and faces with outer garments except for one eye.’

And Allah Taãla Knows Best.

The punishments in the hereafter and in the grave when you die for not wearing Hijab

Allah Ta’ala commands the wives of the prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) in the noble Qur’aan, thus, ‘And stay within your homes.’ (Ahzaab). Allaamah Zaahid al-Kawthari mentions in his book, ‘Hijaab al-Mar-atul Muslimah’ this is an address to the wives of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), so the women besides them will be addressed to a greater extent.’ The reason being that Allah will not choose just any evil or bad women for the marriage of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). Allah will choose the best of women for this purpose. So, when this is the case that the most pure women of the Ummah are being addressed in this manner, then those women who are junior to them are addressed to a greater extent.

Today, the aspect of Hijaab is misunderstood greatly. The Niqaab is becoming a fashion, people haven’t understood the aspect of Hijaab. The actual object of Hijaab is concealment and to stay indoors. The object of Hijaab is not to just don the veil and parade the shopping malls and shows where there is intermingling of sexes. Wearing the veil is not a license for coming out of the house as it is misunderstood, but only under extreme necessity if a woman has to come out of her house, then she must don the Hijaab (veil) and under this context does this Aayat fit, i.e. O Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)! Instruct your wives, your daughters an the believing women to draw over them their outer garment (veils).’ Otherwise, the law for a woman is she has to remain indoors as we have quoted the Aayat previously, ‘remain indoors’.

What we have understood, thus far, is that a woman must remain indoors at all times, and only due to extreme necessity she is allowed to come out of her house, donning the veil.

What is worse is that today the women adopt al-Tabarruj (i.e. exposure) when they come out. And majority of the time when they come out of their houses, it is without necessity. In doing so, they are going againt the book of Allah in many ways, a) They are coming of their houses without necessity where as the Qur’aan commands them to remain indoors (as we have mentioned earlier), b) They are exposing their faces whereas the Qur’aan has commanded them to draw their veils (as mentioned earlier) and Allah Ta’ala and says in the Qur’aan, ‘and abstain from al-Tabarruj (exposure).

Imam Qurtubi (RA) mentions the meaning of al-Tabarruj after gathering all the views of the previous commentators of the Qur’aan. He says, in short, al-Tabarruj means a woman exposing her beauties to men. (Tafseer al-Qurtubi vol.14 pg.175; Cairo)

It is a well-known fact that from all the beauties of a woman, her face is the greatest. So, Allah is commanding her not to expose her face more seriously. So, if a woman does not don the veil when she comes out of the house (even when it is extremely necessary), she will be grossly disobeying the command of Allah Ta’ala and thereby earning the displeasure of Allah. What a greater can there be in disobeying the command of Allah that earning his displeasure! Earning the displeasure of Allah is worst thing a person can ever earn as this will lead to his destruction.

May Allah Ta’ala give us all the ability to understand the reality of Hijaab and observe it according to its requisites.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Definition of the Veil

Veil is legitimately defined as the dress that covers the whole body of the woman including her head, face, hands and feet. It should be long, loose and plain not defining her shape. Veil has been prescribed for women to block the road to sin. In short, veiling is a source of covering the face, hands, feet and other parts of the body. Allah Ta’ala states, ‘And they should draw their veils over their bosoms.’ (24:31)

‘O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (except eyes to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed.’ (33:59)

The Purpose of Veiling
The purpose of veiling is to safeguard woman from the biased looks of men and provide her a pure atmosphere at home so that she can perform her household duties properly and contribute to improve the whole society as Allah states, ‘And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the former times of ignorance.’ (33:33)

History shows that the children, who were brought up by their mothers in observance of the social values and religious obligations, later became the leaders of the nation. They admitted that the credit of their booming career goes to their mothers who bestowed on them the qualities of sincerity, faithfulness, honesty, self-reliance and social service; and encouraged them to continue their education. Veiling gives an esteemed position to woman and protects her from sexual harassment by people. On the other hand, a woman, who displays her beauty and wears tight, short and transparent clothes, attracts men towards her. Consequently, they try to exploit her sexually using all possible techniques. Sometimes, woman also becomes weak and surrenders herself to the lust of men. Veiling provides security to woman and promotes a pure atmosphere in the society. But those who consider themselves as modern people, consider it a disgrace and construe it as shackles for the woman. In comparison to the right and wrong, this world and the hereafter, paradise and hell, the observance of veiling is much smaller than that.

The rationale of veiling
Woman is Allah’s beautiful creation. On one hand, she satisfies man’s sexual desires and on the other hand, she plays a significant role in the growth of the human generations. No doubt, woman has a great attraction for a man. Due to this attraction, it is feared he will indulge in sins. Therefore, Allah has forbidden man strictly from fornication and adultery. He has also forbidden woman from exhibiting her charm. Regarding make-up and perfume, it is permissible for woman to wear them in front of her husband and closely related members of the family as Allah states, ‘They will not reveal their adornment except to their husband or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their husband’s sons, or their brothers or their brother’s sons, or their sister’s sons, or their (Muslim) women.’ (24:31)

The conditions of Veiling
For proper veiling, it is not enough to wear a scarf, face veil, headcover or an outer garment. There are certain conditions to be met. They are as follows:

1. The outer garment should be long, loose and opaque.

2. It should hide the entire body of the woman starting from her head, hair, face, hands and bosom down to the toe of her feet.

3. Her anklets and bracelets should not tinkle to allure men towards her.

4. It must be plain and close in texture not to draw attention to the woman. Also, it should not be decorated with ostentatious colours and designs.

5. It must not be transparent that reveals the woman’s shape or her inner clothes.

6. It should not be designed to resemble the clothing of the disbelieving women.

7. It should not be similar to men’s outfits in colours or design as the prophet [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] is reported as having said, ‘Allah condemns those men who behave or act in a womanlike manner, and those women who behave or act in manlike manner.’

8. It should not be perfumed at all as it is not permissible for the Muslim woman to wear perfume while leaving home for an outing. Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] has said, ‘Every eye is adulterous and when a woman perfumes herself and passes by a company (of men), she is such and such (meaning adulterous.’ (al-Tirmidhi)

The first verse regarding veil was revealed in al-Madina when Umar ibn al-Khattaab admonished the prophet’s wife, Sawdah bint Zam’ah, while going outside without a veil. Allah Ta’ala states, ‘O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (except eyes to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed.’ (33:59)

Generally, the veiling covers the whole body including head, face, hair, bosom, hands and feet. But in the absence of men it is permissible for woman to uncover her face as narrated by Aaisha [Radhiallaahu anha], ‘Some riders passed by us while we were with Allah’s Messenger [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] in the state of ritual consecration. When they came face to face, one of us let down her cloak (veil) from her head on her face and when they preceded us, we uncovered it.’ (Abu Dawud)

The Advantages of Veiling
The veiling system contains a number of advantages particularly in a society where the rape, sexual molestation and disrespect of woman are very common. Some of them are listed below:

1. Veiling is a protection for Muslim woman against the behaviour of the wicked;

2. It is an identify of the Muslim that distinguishes her;

3. It gives her an honoured position in the society;

4. It acts as a barrier between men and women to keep them away from sins;

5. It is a means for observing chastity of woman;

6. It awakens the fear of Allah in the heart of man and woman and saves them from falling in the abyss of evil;

7. It teaches man to respect the veiled woman, provide her protection from the curious persons and ensure the uplift of the high morals and social values in the society.

The Disadvantages of Unveiling
Due to mixing up with the non-Muslims, particularly, in the countries where the Muslims are in minority, the practice of unveiling has become a regular feature. But it is very harmful for the Muslim society. Unveiling has a number of disadvantages. Out of them, some are as follows:

1. It is a violation of the Qur’aan and Hadith;

2. It shows woman’s weakness in belief;

3. It is a cause of temptation for men and women;

4. It strips off her modesty that is an integral part of Faith as the Prophet [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] said, ‘Modesty is part of Faith.’ (al-Bukhari)

5. It subjects her to sexual harassment;

6. It hurts her dignity and feelings and it stains her chastity;

7. It prompts woman to take part in commercial advertisements and films as a showpiece and a source of enjoyment for the viewers.

Here are some recommendations that must be adhered to by a veiled woman when going out. They are as follows:

Veiling is the tradition of Muslim women. Since its prescription, the prophet’s wives, daughters and other believing Muslim women have strictly observed it. Today also, the Muslim ladies must keep it up. The veiled woman must understand the rationale of veiling and fulfil its requirements.

She must avoid wearing perfume and showing her finery in any way.

She must not be encouraging while dealing with men at the time of need.

She must be harsh in voice and avoid speaking softly, because it can be misconstrued as an invitation to strangers.

She must not stamp her feet letting her anklets tinkle or any other action that calls attention towards herself.

She must be careful and reserved in her motions and even in looks while walking outside.

The women who display their beauty are often subjected to sexual exploitation by immoral people.

It is a fact that the life of the world is nothing but superficiality while the actual life is the life if the Hereafter where everyone will be rewarded for their deeds. The righteous will enjoy Allah’s pleasure. All blessings will be at their disposal. While the sinners and transgressors will be doomed to punishment that cannot be imagined. The evidence from the Qur’aan and Hadith confirm that Allah’s punishment will be severe.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon them to be chaste and veiling is a must for woman. However, she can uncover her face in the presence of the people who are closely related to her. She can freely move in front of the men in her common dress that has prescribed in the pleasure and comfort of her home.

It is the face from which the brands of beauty gush forth, passions are stirred up and the lusts are excited. The woman is bound to veil her hair, face, bosom, palms and feet according to the teachings of Islam.

As a matter of fact, the charm of woman is incorporated in her personality and dress. So, Allah has ordered woman to draw cloaks and hide her beauty from the strangers and distant relatives.

How to be sure if period has completely stopped and when to start prayers?

If a female observes her full term of periods of 10 days, or observes a set pattern lesser than ten days, then she should take a bath and resume her Shari'ah obligations of performing Salaat immediately after the completion of ten days or upon completing her set pattern without any further delay.

If it is Ramadhan, then she should resume her Fardh fast. There should not be any further delay in resuming one's Shar'ee obligations. However, if a female is certain or almost certain that in the case of a set pattern of lesser than ten days, the bleeding will definitely resume within 24 hours due to her previous experience, then she may hold on as that will be regarded as a change in her monthly pattern. She cannot delay her bath and Shar'ee obligations without a sound reason.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

I am 14 years old and I have hit puberty but my mom has not said anything to me about shaving. What shall I do?

Jazakallah for the question which you have sent to the institute. I am pleased that you have realized the importance of Tahaarah (cleanliness) in Islam. In a hadith of our beloved Nabi (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) we are told that "Cleanliness is half of your Imaan."

Let me just point out an interesting fact to you. Do you know that when a patient has to have surgery to any part of her/his body, she/he has to be shaved first? For instance, if you are to have your appendix removed, your whole abdomen will be shaved from the navel and including the top of your thighs. You may wonder why. It is because the skin and hair trap dirt and harbour organisms which could be a cause of infection. The surgeon's main aim is to prevent his patient from being infected and this is why this precaution is taken.

Isn't it amazing that although this practice came into the medical field only in the last century, Allah Ta'ala had given this knowledge to our beloved Nabi(sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) over a century and four hundred years ago? We have learnt this important lesson from him. It was only in the last century that people in the west came to realize the importance of shaving off hair under the arms pits and from the pubic area.

Do remove the hair from these two areas before they gain the length of a grain of rice. Do also cut your nails frequently as this is another area where harmful organisms accumulate. In fact it is advisable to trim your nails and remove pubic hair when you make ghusl every Friday. It is just so refreshing and gives you a feeling of cleanliness almost immediately.

May Allah Ta'ala guide you to seek knowledge of deen (and about your duties and practice of deen) so that you may grow up to be able to put into practice your knowledge. Ameen.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Does a woman have the right to work?

No Muslim has the slightest iota of doubt in the fact that the Qur'an is absolutely infallible. How could it be otherwise when the Qur'an is the word of Allah Ta'ala who is All Knowing, All Seeing and the possessor of absolute and perfect wisdom. Every command of Allah Ta'ala is compatible with human nature and its adherence not only earns a person rewards in the hereafter, but is also vital to facilitate the smooth harmony of our existence on earth. No system or mode of life can ever be superior. Allah Ta'ala, the Creator of men and women, the Eternal Being that blessed mankind with intellect and the One who created in human beings passions, emotions and desires, addresses His female slaves in His Glorious Qur'an with the following command: "And remain firmly within your homes and display not yourselves like the display of the former times of ignorance"(Al-Ahzaab; 33). This is the command of none other than our Creator, Allah the Most Wise. Hence by disregarding this command we will not only invite His displeasure, but we will also have to suffer the terrible consequences of our violation in this world. It will be similar to the case where a person ignores the instructions of the manufacturer of a car and he fills water into the petrol tank and fills petrol into the radiator.

Likewise Rasulullah (Sallallaahu layhi Wasallam) has restricted the emergence of women from the home to the situation of genuine necessity. Ibn Umar (RA.) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said: 'A woman should not emerge from her home except if she is forced to do so" (Tabrani). Also when emerging out of necessity, the woman is commanded to adopt full Hijaab, which includes the covering of her face.
However in the present climate of women's lib and feminism which has risen from the decadent west, even Muslims of weak Imaan have found it appropriate to cast women out of their homes and into the outside world. Yet do we really know what goes on out there? The situation is indeed shocking to say the least.

According to the American Psychological Association sexual harassment is extremely widespread in the work place. "It touches the lives of 40 to 60 percent of working women, and a similar proportion of female students in colleges and universities. In Texas, for example, after having been cast out of the home, the women finally want to return to their rightful place. According to an article in the Texas Poll (21/2/93), one third of all Texas women have experienced sexual harassment at work. According to the article "more than half said the incidents contributed to them leaving their jobs or wanting to."
Indeed the outside world has become a jungle. Here again, let the statistics of the west speak for themselves.
Research conducted in August 1990 revealed that 1 in 4 college women have been attacked by a rapist and 1 in 7 have been raped. This should be considered together with the fact that only 7% of all rapes are reported to the police and more than 50% of the victims do not tell anybody about their ordeal . Thus these figures are only the tip of the ice-berg. (A Criminological Study; Koss and Woodruff).

Besides the above, due to the free intermingling of men and women in the work place and elsewhere, it seems that legitimate children are becoming an endangered species, especially in the U.S. as well as in other countries. In the article titled "The Truth About Feminism," Kenneth R. Pangborn writes that "in the United States one child in four is illegitimate (1 in 3 in Florida)." Also in those children born out-of-wedlock, more than 50% have birth certificates where the father is described as "unknown"!
Perhaps some readers may feel that all this is very far away in the U.S.. Hence it should not concern us. Actually we should be extremely concerned. In South Africa SEVEN OUT OF TEN (70%) women encounter sexual abuse in the working world (Natal on Saturday 25/3/95).
Yes, it is a reality, though in most cases the victims never mention it to anyone. According to a survey carried out by the Student Counselling Centre (SCC) at the University of Natal (Durban), "of these incidents (of sexual harassment) as many as 80% are not reported." Rather, the victims would even deny it, for fear of reprisals.

Similarly, "academic" institutions also paint a horrid picture. The SCC report states that a survey at Rhodes University revealed that 63% of female academics experienced sexual harassment. Also out of one hundred students surveyed at Rhodes, six said that they had been 'offered higher marks for sexual favours.' The report also states that at the University of Natal (Durban) "one in four females reported experiencing sexual harassment `occasionally' (which means that though it does not occur frequently, it happens on an on going basis)."

Let alone in other places of work, even the highest office in the country has not escaped the sexual harassment of women. According to a Daily News report (9/12/94) "several women MPs and parliamentary staff have complained of sexual harassment by male MPs." The report quoted the speaker of parliament as saying that the alleged perpetrators were "from more than one party." It was also reported that women MPs feared going to certain parts of the parliamentary complex.

When this is the situation in the highest office of the country, what can be said of elsewhere? Yet, despite this shocking state of affairs, many Muslims still ignore the injunctions of the Qur'an and actually propagate that women should be working "shoulder-to-shoulder" with men. Numerous Muslim girls have married men who are out of the fold of Islam due to the contact that developed in high schools, universities and in the work place. All the parents of these girls were adamant that "My daughter will never do such a thing." That woeful day however came when they had to swallow hard on these words and wash it down with a flood of tears - but to no avail. The apple of their eye had become the wife of some John, Peter or Reddy.
Nonetheless, the most baffling part is that in spite of many of these aspects being common knowledge, numerous parents continue to send their daughters to high schools, universities, and into the working world. When these parents are spoken to with regards to the Imaan-snatching dangers out there, their simple response is: "My daughter will never do such a thing." The problem however is that in the "melting pot" environments of the outside world, only those with Imaan as firm as mountains can withstand the onslaught. Simply no rationalizations whatsoever can sanction women being cast into the lion's den.

Allah Ta'ala has given us the beautiful formula compatible with the differing natures of the genders. This is illustrated in the following practice of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu layhi Wasallam) had apportioned the work that pertains to matters outside the home (which includes earning for the family) to Sayyidina Ali {RA.) while the work pertaining to aspects inside the home were allotted to the Queen of Jannah, Hazrath Fatima (RA.) (Zaadul Ma'aad 2/235). Hence it is the man's duty to go out into the world and earn a Halaal living. Thus in a truly Islamic state where women are not found working "shoulder-to-shoulder" with men, the root cause of the illicit liaisons which take place in the working world will be non existent. However, when that ideal situation does not exist, the man who goes out to work must be extra cautious to protect himself. Allah Ta'ala says: "Say to the Believing men that they should lower their gazes (An-Noor: 30)." Also the Hadith clearly states that 'no person should ever be in seclusion with a strange woman. When these and other similar injunctions will be violated then the obvious outcome will be involvement in grievous sins. The solution is thus to eliminate the cause, not to light the fire and then attempt to control it.
Indeed, we are living in difficult times. While numerous women venture out into the world merely to maintain a high standard of living, some venture out only to earn their mere daily bread. Hence if it is necessary, Islam has not forbidden a woman from earning. However, it is incumbent that All the laws of the Shari'ah be upheld. Among other aspects, of utmost importance is that she may not expose herself to non-Mahram males (men to whom marriage is permissible}. She should also have sufficient time for her domestic activities and for the caring of her children.

A woman has a great duty to discharge at home. The upbringing of her children require her full attention. Unfortunately, "upbringing" to a great extent has come to mean clothing, feeding and attending to the other physical necessities of the child. This is however, the necessary but less important part of upbringing. The more important part is the inculcating of Deen in the life of the child and embedding the correct morals, character and etiquette in that innocent soul. This is more than a full-time job. When mothers fulfilled this duty (obviously with the father also playing his role), the Imaam Razis and Ghazzalis were constantly produced. The same is possible today - if we get our priorities in order.
May Allah Ta'ala give us the correct understanding of Deen and enable us to practice upon ALL His injunctions, Aameen.
Al-Haadi Vol. 3 Issue No. 6

Are women allowed to cut their hair?

Allah Ta'ala created the Human being, individually perfect - with no stigma
of sin and in the best shape.
In Surah Teen Allah Ta'ala declares:
'Indeed we have created human beings of the best stature.'(At-tin : 4)
Every part of the human body has been placed respectively to serve its
purpose. Some parts, organs and limbs play an important and vital role
whilst others have a minor supporting role. At the outset, looking at the
external human appearance its beauty is manifest immediately and, it's at
this juncture that we are most grateful to Allah Ta'ala.

Consequently, we are not owners of ourselves i.e. we have been entrusted by
Allah Ta'ala with our physical body and internal self. Therefore, as this is
a Trust (Amaanat), it does not belong to us; and as a result, we have to
obey and respect its obligations. If the Maker requires us to fulfil a
certain requirement, e.g. to cover a portion of the body from the navel to
the knee in the case of men then that law is to be obeyed.
Similarly, a woman is required to keep and wear her hair without cutting it

This latter issue will be highlighted in the following discourse.
Allah Ta'ala has concentrated the physical beauty of the human being in the
upper part of the body, i.e. the face. The face is probably the most
important feature in the whole external anatomy of the human being. In fact,
every effect and reaction becomes evident on the face instantly. Hence, the
face is the central part of the whole body exposed entirely and at all

It is obvious that, what surrounds the face displays an important value and
forms a protective gear. Moreover, it displays the beauty and identity of a
person. Therefore, the long hair of the woman professes her beauty, the one
most powerful image of a female.
During Hajj/Umrah, in order to come out of the Ihraam, a man can either make
Halq (shave) or Qasr (trim) of the hair on the head. For a woman, she has to
clip the size of the small finger (approximately 2cm.)
From among the restriction imposed on her during Hajj is (as the text
appears in the Fiqh book, Al-Quduri).

'She will not shave but trim'

'Because Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu layhi Wasallam) forbade women from shaving but commanded them to trim (the hair).'

The fact that women are only allowed to trim - a short length (2cm) and not
more - explains the issue under discussion.
Once the wife of Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu layhi Wasallam), Hadhrat Umme
Salamah (Radhiyallaahu Anha) asked him, 'O Prophet of Allah, I am a woman
who keeps her hair closely plaited; should I unto it when I wash after
sexual defilement?' 'No' he replied, 'It is enough for you to throw three
handfuls over it (your head)'.

In another Hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu layhi Wasallam) replied to a
question saying, 'As regards man, he should undo the hair of his head and
wash it until the water reach the roots of the hair. But there is no harm if
the woman does not undo it (her hair) and pours three handful of water over
her head.

These traditions clearly indicate that women are allowed, in exceptional
cases, to throw water over their heads - which is not the real matter of
discussion here - but that:

a) the wife of Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu layhi Wasallam), Umme Salamah
(Radhiyallaahu nhaa) herself had long hair;

NOTE : The Noble Qur'an refers to them (wives) as the (Mothers of the

b) no directive was given to cut, trim, clip, or shave the hair in order to
solve the problem ; and ,

c) in many such questions a similar answer was given.
In one of the most popular books of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) Hidaayah,
the text reads:

"It is not necessary for a woman to release her plaits when taking a bath,
if the water reaches the root of her hair."

4) Sheikh Hafiz says in Fathul Qadeer :

"It is not permissible for men to imitate women in clothing and
beautification that are especially associated with women only (and vice

5) Hadith:

'Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaahu nhu) reported that Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu layhi
Wasallam) cursed the hermaphrodite from the men and the like from the

6) Hadith;

Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu layhi Wasallam) said : Glory (to Allah) who
beautified men by the beard and (similarly) women by their lock of hair.
(Takmela e Bahr Raiq vol. 3 p. 331)

7) By nature, Allah Ta'ala has distinguished men from women respectively in
their beauty, e.g. externally the masculine beauty of a man is in the beard
and the feminine beauty of a woman is in her long hair.

It is reported from Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaahu nhu) that Rasulullah
(Sallallaaahu layhi Wasallam) prohibited a woman from shaving her hair.
Hence, for men to shave the beard is like the women shaving their head.

8) In their external features Allah Ta'ala created both sexes differently.
For this and other reasons men are strictly prohibited to imitate women and
vice versa.

Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu layhi Wasallam) cursed men who imitate women and
cursed women who imitate men. (

9) Hadith

Glory (to Allah) who beautified men by their beard and beautified women by
their plaits and locks of hair. (Takmela e Bahr Raiq vol. 3 p. 331)

NOTE: The above is a hymn read by groups of angels as indicted in the

In conclusion, we must remember that our perpetual enemy, Shaitaan, will
cause us to deviate from the truth and constantly instruct us to follow his
dubious ways. Allah Ta'ala says, "And surely I (Shaitaan) will most
definitely deviate them, aspire them and order them;hence they will change
Allah's creation."(Qur'an 4:119)

Can ladies dye their hair and shape their eyebrows?

Pure black dye is not permissible. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam)
said, "There will be people who will come later (in my Ummah) and apply
black dye. They will not even smell the fragrance of paradise." (Abu
Daawood). However, it is permissible for a Mujaahid (warrior) to apply black
dye in order to give the impression of being young. (Jawahirul Fiqh vol2

To dye the hair any other colour besides black e.g. Mehndi or Katm (type of
grass) is permissible. This was the practice of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
Álayhi Wasallam) and the Sahaaba (Radhiyallaahu Ánhum). (Jawahirul Fiqh vol2

No, it is not permissible for females to pluck their eyebrows. Rasulullah
(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) cursed a Mutanammisa (a female who seeks to
remove her eyebrows).

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Is it permissible for women to remove hair on the legs and arms?

It is permissible for a female to remove the hair from her legs and arms.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Masturbation and steps for overcoming it.

Masturbation is defined as the manual stimulation of the male or female genitals, not by sexual intercourse, designed to produce an orgasm. Masturbation is totally forbidden in Shari’ah.

One of the most humiliating problems that the constant male masturbator suffers from when he attempts to have sexual relations is premature ejaculation or the failure to maintain an erection. When a person is masturbating, he tends to reach his orgasm as quickly as possible but in sexual intercourse, he normally has to attempt to control his excitement which can impose a great strain on those who indulge in self abuse over a lengthy period.

Those who achieve insufficient satisfaction from sexual intercourse and return to masturbation or never give it up suffer a great torment. Sex life is empty for them, which leads to many more problems, marital disputes, divorce, etc.

Therefore, people who continuously masturbate lose out all round. The physical pleasure becomes reduced to a natural act like urinating or excreting and at the back of their minds there is an awareness that they are missing out on the real pleasures of life. No adult can honestly claim to masturbate without a guilty feeling of complete uselessness. Masturbation is merely an exhaustive rather than constructive undertaking resulting in nothing but total loss. Once orgasm has been achieved, there is nothing left except a feeling of complete emptiness.

Steps in overcoming masturbation
Be assured that you can be cured of your difficulty. Many have been, both male and female. And you can also be cured if you determine that it must be so. If you want to give it up, you need will power and determination. Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] said, ‘The Niyyat of a believer is better than the act.’

This determination is the first step. That is where we begin. Firstly, you must decide that you will end this practice and when you make that decision, the problem will be greatly reduced at once. But it must be more than a hope or a wish more than knowing that it is good for you. You must realize that this is a great evil and you have to want to give it up.

It must be actually a decision. If you truly make up your mind that you will be cured, then you will have the strength to resist any tendencies which you may have and any temptations which may come to you. Ask Allah to help you and give you strength and steadfastness to succeed.

After you have made this decision then observe the following specific guidelines.

1. First step is to realize that you are violating Allah’s command and you are bringing upon yourself a life long destruction and harm.

2. Never touch the intimate parts of your body unnecessarily.

3. Avoid being alone as much as possible. Find good company and stay in this good company. Remember, an idle mind is the devil’s (Shaytaan) workshop.

4. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, you must break off their friendship. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don’t suppose that both of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind.

The problem must be taken out of your mind for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things. It is mentioned in a Hadith that a person is upon the way of his friend. (Bukhari, Tirmizi)

5. When you bath, do so as quick as possible.

6. When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital parts so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove those clothes. By the time you started to remove protective clothing, you would have sufficiently controlled your thinking and the temptation would leave you.
If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, engage in something useful. The purpose behind this suggestion is that you focus your mind on something else. You are the subject of your thoughts, so to speak.

7. Never look at pornographic material.

8. The attitude of the individual has an effect on how easy it is to overcome. It is essential that a firm commitment be made to control this habit. The person must first realize the evil of this act. Secondly he must understand the reason for this behavior.

After these 2 steps, the individual needs to become sensitive to the situations and conditions which may cause a person to commit this vile act. Hence a person must guard himself from anything, which may trigger a desire for this act. By following these steps, a person gains the ability to gain victory from this act, hence the power to control this filthy practice is developed. Remember you need also a bit of will-power.

1. MAKE Duaa daily; seek help from Allah, this will strengthen you against temptation.

2. Follow a program of vigorous daily exercises. The exercise reduces emotional tension and depression and is absolutely basic to the solution to this problem. Double your physical activity when you feel stress increasing.

3. When the temptation to masturbate is strong, turn your thoughts away from the selfish need to indulge.

4. Set goals of abstinence. Begin with a day, then a week, a month, a year and finally commit to never doing it again. Till you don’t commit yourself, to never indulging yourself in this vile act, you’ll always be open to temptation.

6. Begin to work daily on a self-improvement program. Strive to enhance your strengths and talents.

7. Be aware of situations that depress you or that cause you to feel lonely, bored, frustrated or discouraged, these emotional states can trigger the desire to masturbate as a way of escape. Plan in advance to counter these low periods through various activities, such as reading a Kitab, visiting a friend, doing something athletic, etc.

8. Start frequenting the Musjid. Make it a daily practice to recite part of the Quraan. Find out about authentic books which you can read from your local Aalim.

9. Make a pocket calendar for a month on a small card. Carry it with you. Color the day on which you masturbate black. The calendar becomes a strong visual reminder of self-control and should be looked at when you are tempted to add another black day. Keep your calendar up until you have at least three clear months.

10. A careful study will indicate you have had the problem at certain times and under certain conditions. Try and recall in detail what your particular times and conditions were. Now that you understand how it happens, plan to break the pattern through counter activities.

11. In the field of psychotherapy, there is a very effective technique called aversion therapy .When we associate or think of something very distasteful with something which has been pleasurable, but undesirable, the distasteful thought and feeling will begin to cancel out that which was pleasurable. If you associate something very distasteful with your loss of self control, it will help you to stop the act. For example, if you are tempted to masturbate, think of having to bathe in a tub of worms, and eat several of them as you do the act.

17. Do not let yourself return to any past habit or attitude patterns which were part of your problem. Shaytaan never gives up. Keep a positive mental attitude and always stay on guard. You can win this fight! The joy and strength you will feel when you do, will give your whole life a radiant and spiritual glow of satisfaction and fulfillment.




Ya Allah meri Tobah.. Ya Allah meri Tobah.. Ya Allah meri Tobah...

In the eyes of Allah, its never too late for Tobah. Allah is very Raheem. So don't just think that you have already done so many sins and that now its too late. Thanks to Allah, you are alive and you still have time for Tobah, and even if now you do Tobah from the bottom of your heart, Allah would inshAllah forgive you and you will be saved.

say TOBAH TOBAH TOBAH from the bottom of your heart now and save yourself.

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